We think of our pets as another family member. Some pets like to swim too. Sometimes we can overlook pool safety for our pets, but it’s important to keep them safe, as well. Here are a few ways to keep your pool safe for your pets.
Pool chemicals can be harsh on yours and your pet’s skin. So keep your pool well maintained and clean to reduce the need for additional chemicals or pool shocks. Some pets may try to drink from the pool or puddles caused by splashes. Pool water is not safe for ingestion in large amounts, so it’s important to keep your pet from drinking pool water. Remember anyone including pets with open wounds or sensitive skin should be kept away from the pool, as pool chemicals can irritate them.
Pool toys to your pet may look like fun chew toys. Pets or even children may swallow pieces of plastic or rubber that can’t digest in his or her stomach. So keep your pool area clean and safe.
Pets like spending time near or in the pool, For your pet that does you should have a life vest for each pet near the pool area as they may get scared or disoriented if they fall in your pool. Always remember safety first.
Pets need sunscreen too  so be sure to use one that is pet-friendly because dogs can sometimes contract anemia if they ingest sunscreen with zinc. Taking these necessary precautions will make you time around and in your pool enjoyable.
Osceola Aquatics care about the safety of all creatures when it comes to pools. Remember when you have your pool resurfaced make sure you get a water test prior to letting anyone in the newly resurfaced pool in order to ensure that your water is safe for swimming.
If you have any questions, Osceola Aquatics would like the opportunity to help you with all your Florida pools needs. We invite you to experience the Osceola Aquatics difference since 1981. Simply call us at 407.846.1430 or contact us online Osecola Aquatics.

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